MIT Bitcoin Club Initiatives

MIT Bitcoin Expo

Held annually in the spring semester, the MIT Bitcoin Expo is one of the largest and most revered academic blockchain conferences in the world.

MIT Bitcoin Hackathon

Held in the spring semester, the MIT Bitcoin Hackathon projects have gone on to receive funding and support from blockchain companies.

Henoch Argaw Memorial Fund

A memorial fund established in 2018 in memory of Henoch Argaw. The first prize was given at the 2018 MIT Bitcoin Expo.

MIT Bitcoin Project

In 2014, two MIT students (Jeremy Rubin and Dan Elitzer) raised half a million dollars to distribute $100 in bitcoin to every undergraduate at MIT.

Bitcoin ATM's on Campus

MIT is now home to a new Liberty Teller bitcoin ATM, located at the MIT Coop in an installation that marks MIT's first on-campus bitcoin ATM.

MIT Puts Degrees on Bitcoin Blockchain

Using Bitcoin's blockchain technology, MIT has become one of the first universities to issue recipient-owned virtual credentials.

Other MIT Blockchain Groups

Digital Currency Initiative

The Digital Currency Initiative is a research community at the MIT Media Lab focused on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

MIT Cryptoeconomics Lab

The objective of the MIT Cryptoeconomics Lab is to push the research frontier in the emerging field of cryptoeconomics.

Bitcoin Price Checker

1 BTC = 1 BTC